In 2012, I was diagnosed with a boreout - a complete mismatch between who I was as a person and the job I was doing.
From the outside, it looked like I was on a roll. I was performing well at work, and I was frequently praised for my intelligence, assertiveness and independence.
Three months into the job, I was advizing the CEO of the 4000-employee company on his communications strategy, and two months later I was invited to the company’s leadership program as the only junior employee.
I thought I was invincible. Until I scored a 1 out of 5 for authenticity on a performance review.
And then it hit me.
I was trying so hard to do what I thought was expected of me, that I had completely lost myself.
Whereas I normally am a bundle of energy, I now felt exhausted. I was always optimistic, and now everything seemed to be heavy and difficult. I felt so much resistance to work that I called in sick, and stayed home for months.
It was one of the darkest times of my life, but throughout that whole period, I also felt a glimmer of hope. I felt I was learning something important, even though it was incredibly hard.
I learned that true confidence comes from the inside, and that trying to live up to external expectations had hurt me much more than it helped me.
Fast forward to now
I am now more confident than ever, both in my work as a leadership coach and as a mom of two girls, and my work is a huge source of inspiration and energy. Having a healthy work-life balance comes quite naturally to me these days.
I no longer try to be picture perfect, but instead embrace my quirks and even make them part of my strategy.
And whereas I always thought of women’s networks as boring tea parties for women to complain about how the patriarchy makes them miserable, I am now the proud co-founder of the WOMEN’S HUB Zurich, where women come to become the boldest, truest version of themselves - whatever that looks like for them.
My bore-out story
I am quite comfortable with being uncomfortable. I often dive into something new without fully knowing what I am doing. And I want the same for my clients. I hate it that we humans so often hold ourselves back because we are afraid that we’ll fail, or because we’re trying to live up to some societal standard.
I believe I would have missed out on life a lot more if I hadn’t pushed myself out of my comfort zone.
...If I hadn’t told my now-husband that I was done pretending that we were ‘just friends’.
...If I hadn’t followed that same husband to San Francisco because I was afraid that would be the end of my thriving career in the Netherlands.
I see it as my mission to give my clients the most loving kick-in-the-butt they need to get out of their comfort zones and start living their version of a successful life.
On the scale from introvert to extravert, I am right in the middle. I can be very loud, love public speaking and am often the first to start dancing at a concert. But I’m equally happy curled up on the sofa with a good book and a cup of tea.
I am an ENFJ, Enneagram type 2, Human Design 5.2, and greenish yellow in DISC. And yes, I have an unhealthy obsession with personality tests.
I don’t like coffee and alcohol. That’s not some hipster lifestyle statement. I just really don’t.
I didn’t think I’d become a mom, or get married, or live abroad. I did all three, and I’m loving it.
I pride myself on being trained as an engineer, and cherish my higher-than-average intelligence, my direct communication style, and my go-getter mentality. At the same time, I am trained as a yoga teacher, and I know the importance of slowing down, and letting our heart and our gut speak. Paradoxical? Nah.. I’d rather call it perfect yin-yang balance ;)
How I set myself up for success in Switzerland
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