I didn’t want to write this email, because I didn’t feel in the mood to be uplifting and inspiring and fun. But then I realized that I get to make the rules for this email, and if I feel tired and unfocused and let’s-curl-up-on-the-sofa-like, there is no reason for me to pretend to be anything else.
(Or to put it even stronger, I would hate to fake anything for you, because I definitely don’t want to go back to the time when I scored a 1 out of 5 for authenticity.)
So inspired by my mood this week, here’s my list of things I do when I feel Autumn-y and grumpy😫
I was super grumpy this morning while I was trying to get the kids ready for daycare. And I realized that part of my grumpiness was caused by the fact that I expected my husband to read my mind, and do exactly what I thought would make the process run smoothly.
NEWSFLASH: husbands don’t read minds very well.